The Norsemen in the West Read online

Page 12



  Not long after this an event occurred which produced great excitement inthe new settlement; namely, the appearance of natives in the woods. Itoccurred under the following circumstances.

  One morning Karlsefin gave orders for one of the exploring parties to begot ready to go out immediately. Karlsefin's plan from the beginninghad been to class his men in two divisions. One half stayed at home towork, the other half searched the land,--always taking care, however,not to travel so far but that they could return home in the evening.They were careful also not to wander far from each other. SometimesKarlsefin went with the exploring party, at other times stayed at hometo superintend the work there, while Biarne or Thorward filled hisplace. On the occasion in question Biarne was in charge.

  Soon after the party had started, Hake, who was one of them, observed afemale figure disappear round a copse near the shores of the lake. Atthat part they were about to strike off into the thick woods, so Hakewent up to Biarne and asked leave to go along by the borders of thelake, saying that he could overtake the party again before they hadreached the Willow Glen, a well-known rendezvous of the hunters andexplorers of the colony.

  "Go as thou wilt, Hake," replied Biarne; "only see to it that yeovertake us before noon, as I intend to go on a totally new pathto-day."

  The youth left with a light step, and, on overtaking the female, found,as he had expected, that it was Bertha.

  "You wander far from home to-day," he said, with a deferentialsalutation, for Hake's bondage had not robbed him of his breeding.

  "I love to wander," answered Bertha, blushing.

  Poor Bertha, she could not help blushing. It was her unfortunate natureto do so. When her feelings were touched--ever so little--she blushed,and then she blushed _because_ she had blushed, and blushed again tothink herself so silly!

  "I fear it may be somewhat dangerous to wander far," said Hake,stopping, for Bertha had stopped and seated herself on the stump of afallen tree.

  "Dangerous! Why so?"

  "Why, because Skraelingers may find us out any day, and if they shouldcome upon you unawares so far from home they might carry you off, and noone would be aware that you were gone until too late to pursue."

  "I never thought of that," returned Bertha, with a slightly troubledlook. "Well, I shall be more careful in future. But how come you to bewandering here alone, Hake? did I not hear your name called this morningamong those appointed to go forth and search out what is good andbeautiful and useful in the land?"

  "Most true, Bertha, and I have gone forth, and not gone far, and yethave found something both good and beautiful and useful in the land."

  "And pray what may that be?" asked the maiden, with a look of surprise.

  Hake did not answer, but the expression of his eyes was more eloquentthan speech.

  "Nay, then," said Bertha, looking hastily away, and again blushing--as amatter of course! "I am no reader of riddles; and I hate riddles--theyperplex me so. Besides, I never could find them out. But, Hake, hasyour party gone yet?"

  "Yes, some time ago."

  "And are you left behind?"

  "No, I have leave to go by the margin of the lake."

  "Then if you put off time talking with me you will not find it easy toovertake them; but I forgot: I suppose you count it an easy matter toovertake ordinary men?"

  "I shall not find it difficult," replied the youth briefly; and then,perceiving that Bertha felt uneasy--apparently at the tenor of theconversation--he quietly changed it by remarking that he preferred towalk by the lake for several reasons, one of which was that it remindedhim of Scotland.

  "Ah, you profess to love Scotland very much," said Bertha archly, "butyour brother evidently loves it more than you do."

  "With good reason, too," replied Hake, "for it has given him a bride,and it had no such favours for me."

  "Indeed! what is her name?" asked the maiden, with much interest.


  "Poor Emma," sighed Bertha; "but I hope that Heika will be freed one dayand return to his native land to wed Emma. Perchance by that timeScotland may smile upon you too, and give you cause to love it better."

  "I love it well already," said Hake, with enthusiasm, "yet am I contentto stay here."

  "For shame, Hake! you do not deserve to be a Scot if you mean what yousay."

  "I mean what I say, yet do I deserve to be a Scot."

  "Come, tell me, then, what this Scotland of yours is like. I supposeyou deem it more beautiful than Iceland?"

  The youth smiled. "It is not more _wonderful_ than Iceland. I can saythat with truth--but it is passing fair to look upon. It is a land ofmountain and flood, of heath-clad braes and grassy knowes. Its mountainpeaks rise bare and rugged to the skies, where lordly eagles soar. Itsbrawling burns in their infancy dash down these rugged steeps, but asthey grow older flow on through many a hazel dell, where thrush andblackbird fill the woods with melody--through many flowering pastures,where cattle browse and lambkins skip on the sunny braes. Wild-fowlbreed on its reedy lochs, and moor-fowl dwell on its heather hills. Itswaters teem with the spotted trout and the royal salmon. Temperatebreezes fan its cheeks, and beauty, in form and colour, revelseverywhere. Its sons are lovers of their native land, and its daughtersare wondrous fair."

  "And yet it would seem," said Bertha, "that not one is fair enough foryou?"

  "Nay, Bertha, thy speech is hardly fair. The heart cannot command itsaffection," said Hake, with a smile, "but I regret it not."

  "And where does Emma dwell?" asked Bertha.

  "Beside my father, near the shores of Forth, not far from a noted townand castle that stand on the summit of a rocky ridge. It is named afterEdwin, a Northumbrian king. A sweet romantic spot--my own dear nativetown. Beside it stands a mountain, which, those who have travelled infar southern lands tell us, bears some resemblance to a couching lion.But I never saw a lion, and know not what truth there is in that."

  "You almost make me wish to see that land," said Bertha, with a sigh.

  "I would you might see it and that it were my fortune to show it toyou."

  "That is not likely," said Bertha, with a little laugh.

  "I know not. The most unlikely things happen, and often those that seemmost likely do not come to pass. What more unlikely than that Karlsefinshould forsake the religion of his fathers? Yet Karlsefin is now aChristian."

  "Do you know, Hake, much about the nature of this new religion that hascome amongst us, and made so many people change?" asked Bertha, withsudden earnestness.

  "To say truth I don't know much about it. Only this do I know, thatKarlsefin says the foundation of it is God and man united in JesusChrist, and that the guiding principle of it is _love_. If so, it mustbe a sweet religion, and, as far as Karlsefin is concerned, it seemsboth good and true; but there are some of its professors whom I knowwhose guiding star is self--not love--which goes rather against it,methinks."

  "You do not reason well, Hake; that is against the professors, notagainst the religion."

  "True; but this religion is said to change those who profess it--what ifthey are not changed?"

  "Why, then, they are _false_ professors," said Bertha, with a smile.

  "It may be so; I know not. But if you would have further light on thepoint, Karlsefin will gladly give it you."

  "Well, I will go find him and inquire," said Bertha, rising; "I havekept you too long already from your comrades.--Farewell."

  "Farewell, Bertha," replied the youth, gazing after her as she trippedlightly away and disappeared behind a thicket. Then, turning into thewoods, he went off at his utmost speed in the direction of the WillowGlen.

  "Just in time, Hake," said Biarne, as the Scot approached; "we are aboutto start off westward to-day, and go as far inland as we can beforedark. I have long had a desire to search out the land in th
atdirection. From the distance of these blue ridges, the size of our lakeand river, and other signs, I am of opinion that this is a great land--not an island."

  "It may be so," replied Hake, looking round on the vast and beautifullandscape; "I should like well to traverse it. If a thrall may bepermitted to remark, I would say that a spirited chief would exploresomewhat farther than a day's march from home."

  "Perchance a spirited chief might see fit to have his homestead put wellin order before undertaking explorations for his amusement," repliedBiarne, who was not much pleased with Hake's speech.

  The Scot made no answer, and after that the party advanced to thewestward, sometimes clearing their way through dense thickets, sometimeswalking under the branching canopy of large trees, and frequently comingto more open places, in many of which there were little ponds swarmingwith wild-fowl.

  Towards the afternoon they came to a rocky ridge which was crowned withtrees. On the other side of it was a deep gorge, near the end of whichsome large animal was observed sitting on its haunches.

  "Hist! a brown bear!" whispered Biarne.

  The bear looked up and growled, for it had heard the approach of theparty. Nevertheless it appeared to be in a sluggish as well as a sulkyhumour, for it gave no indication of any intention either to attack orrun away, but sat still on its haunches swaying its huge head andshoulders to and fro, and glowering--as Krake said--horribly.

  "A fierce monster truly!" observed Hake, fitting an arrow to his bow.

  Biarne laid his hand on Hake's arm.

  "Hast seen such a brute before?" he inquired.

  "Not I," replied Hake.

  "Wouldst like to see how the Skraelingers of Greenland treat the whitebears of their land, when so few as only two men chance to meet one inthis fashion?"

  "I should like it well."

  "Good--I will show you; but first I must explain the manner of it. Whentwo Skraelingers see a bear they go up to him with spears. Onapproaching him they separate. One settles that he is to kill him, theother agrees to distract his attention. He who is to kill approaches onthe side next the _heart_. His comrade goes up and pricks the bear onthe _other_ side. The bear turns full on him who wounds, exposes hisheart-side, and is instantly thrust through by him who is to kill. Dostunderstand?"

  "Perfectly," replied Hake.

  "Perhaps you would like to join me in such an adventure, though ofcourse there is some danger," said Biarne, who was very anxious topunish Hake for his late advice by giving him a good fright.

  Hake smiled in a grim fashion, and taking a short spear from one of hiscomrades, looked at Biarne, pointed to the bear, and said:


  They advanced together, Biarne also carrying a short spear, while theircomrades stood on the ridge and looked on with much interest.

  When Bruin saw the two men approach, he got up and showed himself to bean uncommonly large bear indeed, insomuch that Biarne glanced at Hakewith some anxiety, and asked if he felt sure of himself, and wasn'tfrightened.

  Hake laughed lightly, but made no other reply.

  "Well, then, have a care, and see that ye be prompt in action. I willgo to the left side and kill, being used to such work. Do you separatefrom me here and give him the prick on the right side. Don't getflurried. We must approach and act together. He seems inclined to meetus half-way, and must not be trifled with; and, harkee, prick him well,for methinks his hide will prove a tough one."

  Hake nodded, and separated from his companion. Seeing this the bearstopped. It had been advancing with a rapidly increasing step, growlingall the way, and with an extremely savage aspect, but this movement ofthe enemy perplexed it. Looking first on one side, and then on theother, it remained in a state of uncertainty as to which of the two itshould attack. The enemy took advantage of this--both men ran in uponit. As they did so the bear rose on its hind-legs, still glancingsavagely from one side to the other, and in this position appearing alarger monster than it had seemed before.

  "Give it him sharply!" cried Biarne, delaying his death-thrust till theproper time.

  Hake stepped close up to the bear, and plunged his spear into its sidewith such vigorous good-will that it went straight through its heart,and came out at the other side just under the shoulder.

  With a tremendous roar it fell and writhed on the ground in a dyingstate, while a loud cheer burst from the men on the ridge.

  "Why did ye that?" cried Biarne fiercely, stepping up to Hake as thoughhe would strike him. "Was it not arranged that _I_ should kill him?"

  "The Fates arranged it otherwise," answered the Scot. "I felt afraidthat my fears might weaken my arm. To make sure, I gave him a goodthrust. Besides, did you not tell me that his hide was tough, andadvise me to prick him well?"

  Hake looked so innocent, and spoke so gently, that Biarne, who was agood-natured fellow, laughed in spite of himself as he said--

  "Truly thou didst prick him to some purpose. Well, I do not grudge theethe honour, and unquestionably it was deftly done.--Here, two of you,stay behind and skin this fellow. Cut off the best parts of the meatalso. Bears of this kind are not bad for food, I dare say. We will goon a little farther, and return to you in a short time."

  Saying this Biarne resumed his march, followed by the rest of the men.

  They had not gone far, however, when one of the party uttered a suddenexclamation, and pointed to footprints on a soft part of the ground.

  "Perhaps the bear's footprints," said one.

  "Too small and narrow for that," remarked another.

  "We shall trace them till we come to soft ground and make certain," saidBiarne.

  They did so, and after walking a hundred yards or so came to a sandypiece, where the footprints were so clearly defined that there remainedno doubt they were those of a man. That the marks had not been made byany wandering member of their own band, was evident also from the formof the sole of the shoe, as indicated by the prints.

  "Now must we be ready to meet with men who may be foes, although I hopethey shall turn out to be friends," said Biarne. "Come, Hake, there maybe need for haste, therefore do you hie back before us and informKarlsefin what we have seen. We will follow as swiftly as may be, andfetch your bear along with us."

  Hake started off at a smart run without a word of reply, and neverpaused a moment until he reached the hamlet, which he found in aconsiderable state of confusion and excitement.

  "What now?" demanded Karlsefin as Hake came forward.

  "Strange footprints have been seen, and--"

  "Strange footprints!" exclaimed Karlsefin. "Why, man, strange _men_have been seen by us, so I have stranger news to tell than thou. Biarneis returning, of course?"

  "He is, with all the men, as fast as he can."

  "That's well. Now, Hake, get your weapons ready and help the men tomake preparations for the reception of the strangers. I go to set theship in order."

  Hake found, on inquiry, that one of a wood-cutting party having strayeda little way beyond his fellows, but not far from the hamlet, had comesuddenly on a native who was crouching behind a rock and gazing intentlyat the woodcutters. He was at the moment fitting an arrow to the stringof a short bow which he carried, and was so absorbed that he did not atfirst observe the Norseman. The instant he saw him, however, he sprangup and discharged an arrow, which the other avoided. The savageimmediately turned to fly, but the Norseman sprang after him and struckhim to the ground. At the same instant a dozen or more savages rushedfrom the woods to the rescue, and the Norseman immediately ran back tohis comrades. More savages appeared, and the Norsemen, seeing that theywere greatly outnumbered, retreated to the hamlet. They were notfollowed by the savages, but there could be no doubt that now the colonyhad been discovered they were certain to receive a visit from them.Whether that visit was likely to be amicable or otherwise remained to beseen.

  Meanwhile Karlsefin and his men did their best to put the place in astate of defence. A breastwork of large trees, wh
ich had been long agothrown all round the hamlet, was repaired and strengthened before dark,and sentinels were posted around in all directions, so that when Biarnearrived, somewhat late at night, he was amused as well as gratified tofind that unseen though well-known voices challenged him several timesas he drew near home, and that, finally, a rude but effectual barrierstopped him altogether, until a friend from within conducted him to theproper entrance.

  Thus the night passed away without anything transpiring, and at last thelonged-for dawn appeared.


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